We Set a Date!

We have a reopen date!

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Saturday September 10th!

If you've seen our Instagram pics or peeked in our windows, you might be thinking, "but Lisa, how are you going to finish the kitchen and put the shop back together and plan a reopening in less than two weeks?"

That's a great question. It's going to be complete chaos, and I'm not sure how it will happen, but it will happen! 

I can't postpone one more week to set up because we'll be closed on Saturday September 17th and I can't wait to reopen until the 24th. 

And now you may be asking, "but Lisa, you will have just reopened, why would you be closing for a day one week later??"

Because I made this unchangeable plan months ago when I thought we'd be reopening on July 9th before the whole contractor catastrophe

So, September 10th it is, and it sounds like a great day.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all, and getting back to business as usual. We have so much new stuff on the shelves for you!

I'll be sharing more details over the next week about the actual reopening day (and hopefully our ribbon cutting - we never had one when we opened!)

See you soon!


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